Gabi and Phil are working really hard on getting ready for NEOS2009 - the North East Open Studios (Scotland's largest Open Studios event, don'tchaknow!)...so we've got a guest appearance From Mark Goss again! (yay!)
Mark Goss (Curious Fiend) has produced "Throw UP" as part of his 2009 degree show - and has been kind enough to share it with us...
The Graffiti inspired typeface is a doozie, check out Mark's poster for it! (also available for purchase on his website : http://curiousfiend.bigcartel.com/ )

We'd like to thank Mark for taking the time to send us his work, and for sharing it with us, we hope that you put his typeface to good use, and if you do use it, please send us (or Mark) and email.
This typeface is now unavailable for download - but will be included in the limited edition CD Rom of all 52 Typefaces at the beginning of 2010. To secure a CD Rom, please email us (Phil & Gabi) at info@g-r-a.co.uk. If you would like to get involved in making a typeface for the project, please email us at : info@g-r-a.co.uk or leave a comment below!
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please leave some wisdom for Gabi and Phil to soak up!